December 19, 2012

Product Feature: Bipolar Butterfly electrode pads!


From Jean in North Carolina:

I have to say I’ve never tried nipple stim before because of all the warnings everywhere but when I saw your bipolar butterfly pads I knew they were safe since the electricity doesn’t go across the chest at all.

I have never felt anything so wonderful with e-stim before and that’s saying something. It was the most scintillate feeling of massage and tingle and overall wonderful, better than any tongue or mouth from a partner even. And even better is that the holes leave the nipples themselves exposed for touching too, or even licking.

I got the variety pack to try them all out. I ended up liking the medium size best and my boyfriend liked the large instead of the small which surprised us both. We used a channel splitter so one channel controlled both pads in the same strength and rhythm without trying to get two channels to match. And it left the other channel on our TENS unit free for using other toys. Highly Recommended, 10 stars!!!
