Centipede Dual Regulator POD

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$249.00 USD

Centipede Pods extend the functionality of the Centipede 416 Power Boxes, by adding more eStim outputs, or outputs of different kinds. 

The dual channel Regulator Pod adds two independent channels designed to drive 120-volt AC devices. The pod not only turns devices on and off, but it can cycle the power level up and down at various rates, acting like a dimmer to change the power delivered.

The Regulator Pod outputs support ‘waveforms’ which vary the power levels in multiple ways, making the results even more interesting when the outputs are controlling certain devices, for example, room lighting or a vibrator. You can select the SWEEP setting, which cycles power up and down between minimum and maximum values, changing the level slowly or rapidly based upon your settings.

Or you could select the RANDOM setting, which will change the level between minimum and maximum values in an unpredictable way, so the results are never repetitive.

Regulator pod outputs can also be controlled using the Centipede sequencer which, among other things, will allow you to combine the sensations with an eStim output. Picture a scenario where the regulator caused sensations which increased your excitement to the edge, only to have it suddenly stop--and a zap from an eStim output crashes you back down.

Each expansion Pod has an input and output connector, so you can string as many pods together as you wish, up to the system maximum of thirteen pods (hence, a Centipede of many feet!)

When you order your Regulator Pod, be sure to specify the board number you wish to assign to it.  Each Pod must be given a board number from 3 to 15, with no duplication. (See the owner’s manual for details.) We usually set board number 6 on our first Regulator Pod.

Pods are connected using a four-wire data-style RJ-11 cable.  We supply a one-foot cable with each Pod. However, longer lengths and replacement cables are available here. The digital logic of the Regulator Pod is supplied by this cable, the 120 AC is supplied using the included line cord. Note for safety reasons, there are no physical or electrical connections between the AC circuits and the control logic.
For more details, visit the Centipede web site at  http://centipede.serve101.org/

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